About Round Table Yorkshire

Yorkshire Round Table (like all others) is a Male only organisation, which gets together to do everything from paintball, karting, brewery visits, to a game of football, or even something as simple a drink at the pub followed by a curry. These evenings are the essence of Round Table – bringing together groups of friends for beer and banter away from the other halves, where boys can be boys!!

Each local Round Table organises its own annual community events. These can vary from club to club, ranging from carnivals and bonfires for tens of thousands of people, to fun runs and barbeques.  All money raised from these events is then put back into the local community of each table, to give a little help to those people who need it.  This can range from money to help support local charities, Stair lifts for people who require, down to Christmas hampers for old people who have no family and are not able to get out.

On top of that, its a great way to meet very handy friends in all different industries, which always comes in handy over the years!

If you like what you read and would be interested in coming along to see for yourself, then please feel free to get in touch with us, and we will look forward to adding another person to the group.

Yorkshire Round Table

Round Table is all about having fun with a group of friends while at the same time trying to help the local community.

About Round Table

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